Executive Summary about Wedding Ring Set By Tanya Turner

After deciding on the style, you will have to make up your mind about the material for your ring set. Here you have a choice of gold, white or yellow, platinum and titanium. If you want yellow, than your only choice is traditional gold. White wedding rings are becoming more popular in recent years, because they look more modern and easier to match with any cloth.
Gold wedding ring sets

Yellow gold wedding ring set is the easiest to find. Gold is a very soft metal, and 24 carats gold ring can get scratches easily. For the purpose of durability 14 carats gold ring sets are the most popular, but if you want more pure gold, 19 carat is a good balance between purity and durability of your ring.
Platinum wedding rings and ring sets
Platinum rings have a whiny white look and last forever without a single scratch. Platinum doesn't come in carats because the metal used in jewelry is pure and not mixed with any other metals.
Titanium ring sets
Titanium ring set is another option. Titanium doesn't shine as much as platinum or white gold, but it has a stylish modern look.
If you don't find anything suitable locally, search for your ring set online. There a hundreds of jewelry shops online, they offer great selection or rings and the prices are usually better than in traditional shops.
Traditionally speaking, not having a Wedding Rings or band to present when proposing to your significant other is a practice that is frowned upon.
Nice engagement rings.