Executive Summary about Yellow Diamond RingBy David Faulkner

The new diamond rings designs with fancy yellow diamonds are fashionable and alluring. Wear yellow diamond jewelry such as elegant yellow diamond earrings or a yellow diamond pendant, or earrings, etc. Yellow diamonds are more versatile than other colored diamonds.

Yellow diamonds suddenly became popular when celebrities started flaunting them in events. Johnny Damon of the Red Sox presented his fiancee with a fabulous 8-carat engagement ring colored canary yellow.
Rare yellow diamonds
It should be made clear that there actually are natural diamonds that are rare and are therefore costly. Only a very small percentage of mined diamonds possess a deep color, although there are many pale diamonds which are not as prized.
How manufactured yellow diamonds are made
Manufactured diamonds are man-made - that is, they have been produced in labs where the conditions required for forming mined diamonds are simulated. The process used to manufacture synthetic diamonds is called CVD, or chemical vapor deposition.

Before you make a purchase, you need to know for sure if what you're buying is a naturally occurring diamond or a manufactured one. It is for this reason that you must bring along a trusted gemologist to give you advice before you part with your hard-earned cash.
Nice diamond rings.