Gemstone Ring
Executive Summary about Gemstone Ring by Garret Lloyd

diamond rings had always ruled the roost but nowadays, the diamond
gemstone ring is posing tough competition. The feeling is that diamonds are rare but gemstones are even rarer! Rare gem varieties include the peridot, garnet, opal, topaz, turquoise and tanzanite. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires and amethysts are more easily found.
Another reason why the ring has gained popularity is because gemstones are sought after as birthstones or lucky stones. An added advantage is that these gemstones are not as expensive as traditional diamond rings. You can also choose from an exquisite variety of breathtaking colors.
A diamond
gemstone ring comes very often in a truffle setting with three gemstones. The ring has considerable historical significance, as the book of Exodus in the Bible elaborates the Breastplate of Aaron as having many gemstones. The Biblical reference includes gemstones like ruby, topaz, beryl, turquoise, sapphire, emerald, jacinth, agate, amethyst, chrysolite, onyx and jasper. These twelve gemstones are also symbolic of twelve Hebrew tribes. With the passage of time, these twelve gemstones embodied the twelve disciples of Christ. The belief that wearing these gemstones protects the user continues to prevail.
The Egyptians believed that gemstones possessed supernatural

powers. Interesting beliefs include that jasper was allied with rain while agates protected you from thunderstorms and spiders. A paradox is that the Egyptians also considered gemstones as burial stones.
A diamond
gemstone ring may comprise any gemstones, depending on the budget and a buyer's preference.
Here are some of the most popular gemstones to dominate the market:
* Rubies : These belong to the corundum family with rubies as its only red 'members.' Rubies do exist in their natural forms but these are mostly treated for color enhancement. Despite lesser clarity, rubies are hugely popular in ovals. The ring with Burmese rubies is a most sought after gift.
* Blue sapphires : A diamond gemstone ring with blue sapphire is a great combination due to its exquisite color and rarity.
* Opals : As non crystalline forms of silica, opals are formed in the cracks of the ground. Diffraction of light imparts them with striking colors. An opal ring is most commonly bought as a birthstone.